Sunday, August 8, 2010

Top 5 Selling Blooming Indoor House Plants

At The Secret Garden we love house plants.  The majority of the plants we sell are indoor house plants.  Dish gardens are nice, and green plants provide a lot of joy.  Blooming plants are our favorite, and our customers favorite, hands down.

Here is a list from with some of our own insight to help you find the plant that is right for you.

African Violet ~ One of our best sellers.  With a little love and care an African Violet can bloom year around.  With a careful watering, a nice dose of humidity, and bright but indirect light your violet will do wonderful.  They are small and compact.  The leaves are soft and velvety.  The blooms are small and you can find them in a variety of colors and shades.

Poinsettias ~  The Poinsettia receives the title of "the single most popular houseplant in the world".  Christmas is when almost all of these plants are purchased.  We have seen poinsettias in beautiful colors besides the standard red shown here.  In the past few years Pinks and Champaign colors have sold very well for us.  Most of the time it is very difficult to get a poinsettia to bloom again the following year.  When buying a poinsettia please consider your source.  Some of the big box stores stock up with cases of these beautiful plants and can not provide the care they need to become healthy and beautiful. If you want to find the healthiest and best cared for poinsettia you will want to check with your local florist or green house.  They may cost a bit more but you will be able to enjoy your blooming plant longer.

Peace Lilies ~  Our number one selling flower to express sympathy for a loss of a family or friend.  We always recommend this plant because of it's beauty and ease of care.  A peace lily will droop when it needs water and spring back up when it receives the care it needs.  Because they are so easy to take care of we suggest these to people with busy lives and not a lot of time to care for plants.  They really are beautiful will bloom best with warmth and humidity.  Look for the best blooms in late summer.  We have blooming peace lilies year around because of the excellent growing conditions in green houses.

Bromeliads ~  This plant will add a tropical flair to your home.  Bromeliads grow in many different colors, styles, and even claim the pineapple as one of their own.  The flower stalk is produced in the center of the plant and grows up before it blooms.  We have found that the stalk lasts several years.  It will only bloom once in it's life but will be worth the wait.  The colorful stalk will remain and your plant may even produce a pup.  A pup is a smaller version of the main bromeliad and can even be taken off and planted to grow and bloom.  We have written a guide on bromeliad care that you can find here.

Kalanchoe ~ Another one of our favorites.  These little plants pack a lot of blooms and come in a variety of vivid colors.  Kalanchoe plants are easy to grow and easy to care for.  Given bright light and a nice supply of water and these plants will give you beautiful blooms.  They bloom the best in the springtime but can be found blooming year around at most florists and green houses.  The flowers bloom in small clusters that add to their beauty and full look.

We hope that this short article makes choosing your blooming house plant easier.  If you have any questions feel free to contact us anytime 

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